About us

We Are Visual Story Tellers.

Our journey began with a passion for film and a desire to help architecture firms show-off their best Facade. Over the years, we have refined our skills and developed a keen eye for capturing the unique features of each client and property we work with. We want the firms we work with to come away with videos they are proud to share.

Today, we offer a range of professional video production services that help our clients elevate their brand, sales, and overall marketing efforts. From large-scale project showcases, to executive and employee interviews, client testimonials, full-scale project documentaries, and more. We want to tell your story.

The Industry

Professional Video Production Services focused on Architecture Firms

What sets us apart from other video production companies is our dedication to creating stunning visual experiences that truly capture the essence of each property and firm we work with. We understand that each property is unique, and we take the time to understand the specific features of each one. From the initial concept to the final cut, we work closely with our clients to ensure that every frame of our videos captures the essence of their brand and showcases their work in the best possible light.

Story Tellers

We know video marketing. It's not enough to just make a pretty video. We make engaging content with marketing in mind. That way you can show-off your best Facade and land more clients.


We know video marketing. It's not enough to just make a pretty video. We make engaging content with marketing in mind. That way you can show-off your best Facade and land more clients.

Team of Professionals

Our team has professionals in video production, post-production, and marketing.

Years of Experience

Our team has 5+ years of experience working in all areas of video production.

Founded in 2023

We are a young production company driven by a experienced group of professionals.


What we believe in

At Facade Films we believe architecture is more than just buildings. It's an art form that impacts people's lives in countless ways. Our mission is to help architecture firms tell their stories through visually stunning and emotionally compelling marketing videos. We understand that every architecture firm is unique, and that's why we take a bespoke approach to every project.  By blending creativity, technology, and strategy, we aim to deliver videos that inspire, educate, and engage audiences, while driving business results for our clients. In short, we are not just a video production company; we are a partner in helping architecture firms elevate their brand and reach their full potential through the power of video marketing.

  • We are committed to creating visually stunning videos that highlight the unique features of each property and firm we work with.
  • We strive to provide exceptional customer service, working closely with each client to understand their specific needs and goals.
  • We use our marketing expertise to tailor our videos for your marketing needs with a hope to land more projects and share your brand story.
An American flag on the side of a building
Where we are

A tale of two cities

Serving the East Coast with Premier Video Production Services

New York, NY

Our video production services in New York cover a wide range of industries including architecture firms, corporate video, documentaries, and more.

Miami, FL

We offer a full range of video production services in Miami, FL including corporate video, social media content, commercial video, and more.

Elevate your video marketing

Let our professional video production services help you showcase your architecture firm's unique projects and get more sales!